Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Reja Reja

of Mambo Reja Reja.

Churchill Show.
NTV Channel - Kenya.

In this said entry that is, and on what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of Reja Reja too that is, or of said Mambo Reja Reja too that is, said termings too that is, kisw., and that would and in all even, be and as said and as descriptive too that is, and of what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of the Substantiative too that is, or of the said even now lacking in Substance too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of the Co-existing too that is, and if not in a said even now regard and to, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of Language in itself too that is, and as in all best said now too that is, as perceived, and in talk too now and of, and of what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of Lingua in itself too that is.

Of such said even now Co-existence too that is, and that would and in all even, be and as said and as definitive too that is, and of said Media today too that is, Modern, Kenyan, East African, African, and in its said even now Conditioning too that is, or in its said Containment too that is, "Contextes", [Link], and that could and in all even now, be and as said and as perceived too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to ones said even now Environs too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in said Magnification too that is: Find, See; [Link].

That in all and again that is, talk too now and of, and in a said even now reference and to, and to such said even now Media today too that is, and of what are and in all, or can and in all, be and as said as of Loops too that is, Loopings, and if not of said Circuitry too that is, the Body, Nerves, Nervings, the African Nerve, [Link], [Link], and if not in a said even now reference and to, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of Computability too that is, "Contextes", [Link], and that would and in all even now refer and to, or as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in a said even now regard and to, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of a Psychic Field too that is, and if not of said even now Psychic levels too that is.

In all and again that is, talk too now and of, and of what can and in all, or is and in all, or was and in all, said as of the Biblical too for instance.

of Computability.

That in all and again that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to such said Mambo Reja Reja too that is, talk too now and of, and of a said even now Kenya today too that is, or of a said East Africa today too that is, and in its said Organization too that is, or in its said Structuring too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of Hatiba too that is, [Link], U-Kanisa, [Link], Colonialism, Kenyan, East Africa, [Link], of said Katiba too that is, [Link], U-Serikali, [Link], Historicity, Kenyan, East African, [Link], and if not of said even now Matiba too that is, [Link], the Media Granary, [Link], African Media, Nationalism, Kenyan, East African, African, [Link], [Link].

That in all and again that is, talk too now and of, and of what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of Infrastructure too that is, Structures, Architecture, Arch, [Link], Structured Modes, [Link] etc., and in a said even now reference and to, and to the said even now Media Granary too that is, and that would and in all even now, be and as said and as perceived too that is, and in a said even now regard and to, and to its said  even now Media too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what are and in all, or can and in all, be and as said as of Physical Characteristics too that is, and if not in a said even now regard and to, and to what are and in all, or can and in all, be and as said as of Limitations too that is, or of said even now Expectations too that is.

That in a said even now reference and to, and to such said Computability too that is, or of said Media today too that is, now is to and in all even refer and to, and to the said even now termings too that is, Eng., African English, and of the said Africanic too that is, [Link], of the said Indianic too that is, [Link], and that would and in all even now, be and as said and as perceived too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to the said even now relatively unknown too that is, History, and of said African Presences too that is, and as in all said as outside Africa too that is, and that could and in all even now, be and as and as factored onto, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of the Egyptian too that is, or of the said even now Nubian too that is.

Of such said African Presences too that is, and as often said and as perceived too that is, and via the said even now Lenses too that is, and of what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of Judaism too that is, Christianity, and if not of the said Islamic too that is, and in the now saying or claiming that, why all this said, could now and in all, be and as said as of relative importance too that is, is that, and in the said even now affirming too that is, and of what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of African identity in itself too that is, Modern, Historic, is that, it does and in all even present that is, the said even now view too that is, and on such said identity too that is, African, Modern, and in its said even now Presence too that is, African, and as in all now believed and as said, and as in all said and as lacking to it all too that is, said even now Views too that is, Eyes, and that would and in all even now refer and to, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of the Present in itself too that is, and if not of said Normalcy too that is, the Normal, or of the said even now Abnormal too that is..

That in the said even now equating and of, and of the said Africanic too that is, and to the said even now name too that is, and of said Sango too that is, [Link], Orisa, and if not of said Njinga too that is, [Link], Angola, and if not in a said even now reference and to, and to the said even now Indian Elephant too that is, Ganesh, [Link], and of the said even now Indianic too that is, now is to and in all even present, the said even now terming too that is, and of the said even now Asianic too that is, and that would and in all even correspond and to, and to what are and in all, believed and as said and as of, and as of said African Presences too that is, and in the said even now History too that is, and of said even now Central Asia too that is. That in all and again that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to said supposed even now Views too that is, and of the said Presence of Africans too that is, and in the said History of the Bible, Islam, the Orient, and if not of said Civilization too that is, can now and in all, be and as said too that is, and as said as best correlated to that is, and to the said even now Asianic too that is, [Link], [Link], [Link], and away and from talk too now and of, and of the said even now Egyptian too that is, or of the said even now Nubian too that is.

That in all and again that is, all this is too said that is, and in helping one, gain a said even now better understanding too that is, African, and of the said self too that is, African, [Link], and in its said even now Affirmation too that is, African, and in the said even now light too that is, and of the said even now President Barack Obama Presidency too that is, and in the said United States of America too that is, and that would now and in all even now best correlate and to that is, and to talk too now and of, and of such a said even now Win too that is, Success, and to the said even now Asianic too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to what is often and in all, said as of African-American Identity too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and as in all said as Bi-racial too that is, or as in all said as Multi-racial too that is: [Link].

That in all and again that is, all this is too said that is, and in the said even now equating and of, and of the said even now Asianic too that is, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of the Asiatic too that is, the Turkic, and to talk too now and of, and of a said even now Turkey too that is, Country, Republic, Modern, and in a said even now reference and to, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of the Modernistic, Materialistic, Nationalistic, Communistic, Socialistic etc. too that is, and if not in a said even now reference and to, and to what are and in all, or can and in all, be and as said as of Presences too that is, and if not in a said even now regard and to, and to what are and in all, or can and in all, be and as said as of Eyes too that is: Views, Perspectives, Scans, Contexts etc..

In all and again that is, talk too now and of, and of a said even now Europe today too that is, or of said Europe too that is, and in its said History too that is, and as in all said now and as best perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now termings too that is, and of the said even now Britannic too that is, [Link], or of the said Germanic too that is: [Link]. [Link].

That in all and again that is, all this is too said that is, and in the said even now equating and of, and of such said African Presences too that is, and in their said Affirming too that is, or in said even now Affirmation too that is, and of the said even now African self too that is, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of Imbecility too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to said even now African-American identity too that is, and if not of the said Demoniac too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to the said even now History too that is, and of said Ethiopia too that is, [Link], Abyssinia, [Link], and if not of said even now Christian Europe too that is: [Link].

of Imbecility.

That in the said even now claiming or saying that, what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of Mambo Reja Reja too that is, can now and in all, be and as said and as perceived too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to the said even now Politics too that is, and of said Political existences too that is, and in said Kenya too that is, or in said East Africa too that is, [Link], African existences, Mombasa, [Link], and away from talk too now and of, and of the said even now Swahili too that is, or of the said even now Congo too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of the Figurehead too that is, or of said even now Expression too that is.

Of the said even now Figurehead too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to the said even now African self too that is, and in its said Discovery too that is, self-discovery, and if not in its said Divide too that is, Seperate, and that could and in all even now, lead and to, and to said even now perceptions too that is, and of said Africa too that is, Africa today, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now following too that is:

of Africa, & the Americas : Methodology, [Link], [Link], [Link].
of Africa, & Europe : Language.
of Africa, & the Middle East : Nationality, Citizenry, Citizenship etc.
of Africa, & India : Capital.

Of said even now Expression too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to the said even now African self too that is, and in said Determination too that is, self-determination, or in its said Divide too that is, Distinct, and in a said even now reference and to, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of an Expressionism too that is, the Saying Proverb, Idiom, Methali, Africanism etc., and if not of said even now Behaviousrim too that is, African, Human, Tabia, Media etc. too that is.

That in all and again that is, talk too now and of, and of a said even now Africa too that is, Africa today, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in its said History too that is, and in said Expression too that is, Expressionism, Determination, self-determination, and as in all said now and as such too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to what can and in all, or was and in all, said as of the Egyptian that is, the Greek, or of the said Roman too that is. That in all and again that is, talk too now and of, and of said Expression too that is, Behaviourism, the Divide, the Distinct, and of a said Africa today too that is, Africa, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now  names of Egypt too that is, the Sudan, Nubia, Ethiopia, and if not of said Kenya too that is, and of said East Africa too that is.

of Conditioning.

In the said even now concluding and on, and on all this said too that is, all the above, and on said Reja Reja too that is, or of said Mambo Reja Reja too that is, now is to and in all, say and of it all too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in the said even now attempt too that is, and to have one and in all, arrive at, and at the said even now Kenyan Television Show too that is, and of said Roga Roga too that is, Mambo Roga Roga, as featuring one said Fred Obachi Machoka too that is, and on said Citizen TV too that is, .. , Nation TV,..., KTN,  and in the now claiming or saying that, it can and in all now, be and as said and as perceived too that is, and in a said even now reference and to, and to the said even now Figurehead too that is, or of said Expression too that is, the African Beat, the African Trait, and if not in a said even now reference and to, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of the Whole, Total, Body Experience too that is, [Link], [Link], and in a said even now regard and to, and to what are and in all, or can and in all, be and as said as of Spiritual Codes too that is, and if not of said Ineptitude too that is, "Straight to the Point", or of said Denigration too that is, self-denigration, and in a said even now reference and to, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of Conscience too that is, the Conditioned, African Brew, [Link], Colonial African History, Kenya, East Africa, [Link], and if not in a said even now regard and to, and to what can and in all, or is and in all, said as of the the Conscientious too that is.

of African Brew.

Roga Roga show.
Citizen TV Channel - Kenya.