Thursday, June 11, 2020

the Indian Sage

a Letter to the Sage.

cc: the Indian Community in Kenya.

Dear Sadhu:

Allow for me to in all, begin, this said Address to you, a Letter, and that would in all, convey, the said too, workings, and of the said African Mind too that is, and if not in the said name that is, and of said Restitution too that is, That in referring to you, and as in all said as a Devout, Accomplished, or Enlightened person too that is, a Rishi, Saddhu, now is to and in all, equate, such said Restitution that is, and to what can and in all, be and as said of Indian Slang too for instance, e.g. Yaar, Bindaas, Oye, Dhinchak etc., and in the said referring to, asking, and of what does and in all, ail the World today, and in its said Spiritual State too that is, Condition, of said Confliction too, and if not a said, referral, and to what, can and in all, be and as said of Skepticism too that is. That, Saddhu, it can and in all, be and as said of, such said Confliction too that is, and to and in all, match, the said Skepticism too that is, and of the said Materialistic World that is, we do and in all, inhabit, today, and in the said pondering too that is, and of what can and in all, be and as said as, and of Worth too that is, and if not as often said too that is, perceived, and in talk too and of, and of the said Precious too that is.

Of the said Precious that is, Saddhu, and if not of said Restitution too that is, Modern Language, and of the said Modern World too that is, and of the said problems too that is, multiple, I do in all, believe, that most do and in all, face, and in their said too that is, figuring out, what to do with their lives, and as in all, said as equated to, and to what can and in all, be and as said as of Value too that is, of good Literature too for instance, the Indian Novel, and if not in a said referral to, and to what could and in all, be and as said of, the said Intrinsic too that is. That, Saddhu, I do and in all, seek, to express, my said views, herely, and along, the said lines too that is, and of the said Intrinsic too that is, of said Indian Silver too perhaps, and if not in my said too that is, perceiving, talk, and of said India too that is, India today, Modern India, and along the said lines too that is, and of what could and in all, be and as said of a Basic Value too that is, the Perceptory, and such that, it could and in all, be and as said of, and of what can and in all, be and as said of Accumulation too that is, and to and in all, refer and to, point at, and at said light too for instance, of the said Cyclic too that is, Day\Night, the Sounding, and if not in a said, referral and to, and to the said Intrinsic too that is, and such that, if one was to and in all, inhabit, a said poorly lit room that is, intrinsically, Saddhu, in time, it is very well believed that, what is and in all, said as of Dirt too that is, Filth, would and in all, be and as said to, and to and in all, easily accumulate that is.

In the now, claiming, or saying that, Saddhu, that of the said Perceptory too that is, could and in all, refer and to, and to the said African Mind too that is, [Link], the New African, [Link], [Link], now is to and in all, even, refer, and to the said Denoted too that is, and such that, in may now stating that, I am and in all, writing, and from said Kenya too that is, Nairobi, a Country, I do believe, already, as said popularized too, and in the said name too that is, and of said Tourism too that is, Worldwide,  I could and in all, now, present, my said, even, Views, Political, and along the said lines too that is, and of the said R.C.Zaehner, review, and of said Eknath Easwaran's Bhavagad Gita that is, and whereby, he does and in all, refer to, or point at, and at the said Most Important too that is, Most Influential, or of the said Most Luminous too that is, and in his said describing of the work too that is, and in the now, referring to, and to those who do and in all, equate, talk, and of said India too that is, and to said Africa too that is, and to the said Most Luminous too that is, in Connectivity, of Lions, and in my said perceiving of, equating, and of said India too that is, and to the said Most Influential too that is, in Alignment, the Indian Tiger, and in my now saying that, my said visiting India too for instance, could and in all, be and as said too that is, perceived, and in the said light too that is, and of the said Most Important too that is, in Resolution, and if not in talk too and of, and of said Asia's famed, Indian, Golden Cat too that is. In all and again that is, Saddhu, it all could and in all, be and as said too that is, as such, perceived, and in a said reference and to, and to the said Designated too that is.

In all and again that is, Saddhu, a said, here, probable, reference, and to the said Intrinsic too that is, African, the African Mind, the New African, and as said perceived too that is, bestly, and in a said referral to, and to a said Nigeria too that is, West Africa, Equatorial Africa, East Africa, and if not of said Kenya too that is.

the Golden Cat.

Swaminarayan Temple.
EASS Temple.
Nairobi; Kenya - East Africa.

In my now saying that, claiming, Saddhu, that you could and in all, be and as said, perceived, and by many, and as in all said as an Ascetic too that is, the Abstemious, and in a said referral to, and to the said Politics too that is, State, Government, Authority, and of the said too that is, defining, and of the said Body too that is, Human, Political, and if not in said too that is, Civility, now is to and in all, perceive, talk, and of the said Body too that is, in Response, the Perceptory, the Responsive, the Guru, and as in all said as Indian too that is, and if not as said too that is, in Nerve, the Sensory, the Nerving, the Svengali, and as in all, said as American too that is. In all and again that is, this too is said, and in the said, attempt, and to and in all, explain for, or present, Views, Political, and of a said chaotic Africa too that is, and if not as said, as such, and in a said reference, and to a said Post Barack Obama Presidency too that is, and in the said United States of America too that is, as perceived, and in talk too and of, and of a said Africa too that is, and as in all, said as lacking too that is, a said Response too that is, Nerve, and to its said problems too that is, Evolutionary, Multiple, it could now be as said, and if not in a said, even, referral, and to, and to the said Valued too that is, Worthy, work, and of the said Sacred Ifa Oracle too that is, Epega, Neimark, [Link], and as in all, said, and as originating too that is, and from the said Ifa Religion too that is, Yoruba, and of said Southern Nigeria too that is.

In my having though, said all this, now is to and in all, present, talk, and of the said understanding too that is, and of the said Body too that is, Indian, African, Modern etc., and from the said Direction too that is, and of said India too that is, Traditional, the Indian Sage, the Moderate, the Sober, and alongside too that is, talk too and of, and of the said following too that is:

of India, and of the said Indian Temple too that is; of Formulation.
of North America, and of the said Functional too that is; the Dysfunctional, the Civil.
of Europe, the Formented, the Swatiska, the Elite.
of Central America, of Mineral Water, the Elemental, the Vitamin.
of Islam, the Formed, the Arabian, the Qur'an, [Link], Allah, [Link].
of Africa, the Celebratory, the Festive, [Link], the Roman, the Apex: [Link].

In the said reverting to, Saddhu, and to the said, earlier, talk, view, and of said Restitution too that is, a said term here, and that could and in all, be and as said, as ratherly, descriptive, and of the said Condition too that is, Political, Social, Health, Spiritual etc., and that most do and in all, face, and amidst too that is, talk too and of, and of a said, rather, rapidly, changing World too that is, now is to and in all, ask of, and of the said terming too that is, idea, and of the said Psyche too that is, Modern, Indian, African, [Link], and as it would and in all, pertain to, and to talk too and of, and of what could and in all, be and as said of, and of said Sanity too that is. Of such said Sanity too that is, Saddhu, and if not as oft said too that is, perceived, and in a said referral to, and to the said Insane too that is, of said Insanity too, and in the said probable asking of, and of what our said, perceptions. and of the said Modern World too that is, should and in all, be, and in the said too asking of, and of what can and in all, could, be and as said of, and of said Attachment too that is, or of said Detachment too that is.

In all and again that is, Saddhu, it is and in all, said of Sanity too that is, and in its said Condition too that is, the Psyche, as best said, perceived, and in the said asking of, and of such said Detachment too that is, Attachment, and if not in said Restitution too that is, Institutional, Requisite, could and in all, be said as, perceived, and in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, could, be and as said of, and of said Contact too that is, Attachment, and if not of the said too that is, Cautionary, Detachment, and such that, it all could be as said, and to in all, point at, and at what could and in all, be and as said of, and of a said National Identity too that is. Of such said Condition too that is, Social, Economic, Genetic etc., and that could and in all, be said, perceived, and in a said too that is, referral, and to a said World today too that is, Modern, African, Indian, as said too that is, perceived, and in a said referral to, and to the said Salutationary too that is, [Link], [Link], the Introductory, [Link], [Link], and if not of the said Explanatory too that is, the Africanist, [Link], the Americanist, [Link], and if not as said too that is, as such, and in the said asking of, and of what could and in all, be as said of, and of said Insanity too that is, Terrorism, and if not of the said Insane too that is, the Terrorist.

That in said now, claiming, or saying that, some might and in all, ask of one, me, the writer here, Saddhu, and if I could and in all, point out, in all, talk, and of what would and in all, be as said of Insanity too that is, or of said Sanity too that is, now is to and in all, probably, refer to, and to a said Africa too that is, and in its said Responses too that is, Behaviour, Nerve, or of the said Different, Distinct, Differing, and as probably said too that is, perceived, and in a said Divide too that is, Geographical, Political, and that would and in all, speak of, and of the said Saharan too that is, and of the said Equatorial too that is, That the formerly said that is, Saddhu, the Saharan, could and in all, refer to, and to the said Family too that is, African, the Monkey, and with the latterly said that is, Saddhu, the Equatorial, said too that is, perceived, and in talk too and of, the said Group too that is, African, the Baboon.

It all could too that is, probably, Saddhu, be as said too that is, perceived, and along talk too and of, and of the said Humourless too that is, of Restitution, Misgivings, and such that, we could now and in all, be as said to that is, seriously, ponder, talk, and of what does and in all, speak of, and of the said Body too that is, Human, Political, and if not in said Meditation too that is, the Ascetic, and as in all said as One too that is, and in a said referral now, and to what could and in all, be as said of, and of a said Tendril too that is. In all and again that is, Saddhu, such a said Tendril too that is, Botanical, Biological, could and in all, refer to, and to what could in all, be and as said of, and of a said Disposition too that is, and/or of the said Constitution too that is.

In my now, probably, claiming, or saying that, Saddhu, that it is of my said, belief, that, the said Ascetic too that is, does and in all, ponder, or question, what could and in all, be as said of, and of a said belief too that is, now is to and in all, refer to, or point at, point out, what could and in all, be as said of, and of the said Streaming too that is. Of the said Steaming too that is, light, beliefs, and in my now. probably, as said, equating of, and of the said Pyramids of Egypt too that is, and to what could and in all, be as said of, and of said Connectivity too that is, the Edges, of a said Alignment too that is, the Sides, or of the said Resolute too that is, the Faces. That in my now, saying that, Saddhu, you are and in all, often said too that is, recognized, and by your said Face too that is, and in my often said as, pondering, just who and in all, the said too that is, Builders, and of the said too that is, Pyramids, of Egypt, were in all, said to be, and in my said, facing up to, and to all said, even, Inadequacy, now is to and in all, even, claim, or say that, that what is and in all, said as of, Indian, Religion, Religious Belief, could and in all, be as said too that is, perceived, and in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, could, be and as said of, in Alignment, and of a said Side too that is.

Of such a said Siding too that is, the Siding, Side, in Alignment, and of a said Triangle too that is, as said too that is, connecting, the said 3 Pyramids of Giza, the Great Pyramid, and in a said referral to, and to the said Sides too that is, 4, and of the said 3 Pyramids too that is, in Alignment, could and in all, refer to, and to what could and in all, be as said of, and of a said Incarnation too that is, beliefs, Vishnu, and in its said Sidings too that is, Aspects, or in its said Alignment too that is.

In all and again that is, Saddhu, such a said Triangle too that is, connecting, the said 3 Pyramids that is, Giza, the Great Pyramid, could and in all, be said too that is, perceived, and in its said Centerings too that is, Centres, the Centrified, and such that, it all could be said, as to in all, point at, and at what does in all, connect, talk, and of said India too that is, Karnataka State, Bangalore, [Link], and to said Africa too that is, Kenya, Nairobi, [Link], East Africa.

Agni Deva.

In my said now, point at, and at the said Hindu god too that is, Deva, and of said Agni too that is, Saddhu, the Hindu god of Fire, and if not in a said, referral to, and to the Streaming too that is, beliefs, now is to and in all, present, a said View too that is, and of Agni, Deva, Features, Forms, and in a said referral to, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Transient too that is. That in my now, claiming, or saying that, that India today, faces, many said problems too that is, often as said too that is, oftenly, perceived, and in a said referral to, and to said Destitution, Poverty, Impoverishment, Lack, Want, Need etc., now is to and in all, ask of, and of the said manner too that is, Indians, the People of India, ways, do and in all, ponder, or in all, question, what is and in all, said as of, the said Transient too that is, and amidst talk too and of, and of the said too that is, Difficult, or Complicated too that is. That in my now, saying that, it does and in all, point at, and at what could and in all, be as said of, and of the said Incessant too that is, the Disturbing, the Human Element, now is to and in all, present, talk, and of said Agni too that is, and in a said, referral to, and to the said too that is, following:

+ Agni -> Intermediary; Role.
-  Fire -> the Elemental.
-  Form - > the Transcedent
-  Deva -> Brahma, Atman, Dharma, Karma, Moksha.
-  the Immanent.
-  the Transcient.

In the now, probably, claiming, or saying that, Saddhu, that the said, Transcient, Transient, could and in all, be said, as perceived, and in a said, referral, and to said Emotional States too that is, Depressed, Sunken, Saddened, etc., and that could and in all, point at, and at the said Modern World too that is, or in talk too and of, and of the often said too that is, Effects, and of said Colonialism, Imperialism etc., now is to and in all, perceive, talk, and of what can in all, be and as said of, and of the said self too that is. Of the said self too that is, Saddhu, and if not of said self-masterly too that is, the supreme goal, the Bhavagad Gita, and in a said referral to, and to what could in all, be as said of, and of the said "Spark of Divinity" too that is.

Spark of Divinity:

self: the Self, the Avatar, the Atman.
self-masterly: the Brahman; Emptiness, Meaning, Purpose.
self-actualized: Samadhi, Omniscience, the Yogic.
self-conscious: Inter-connectivity, Inter-relatedness.
self-aware: Essence.
self-centered: Sri Krishna.

In all, all this is too said, all the said above, and on such a said Spark too that is, the Spark of Divinity, "spark", can now, be as said too that is, equated, and to what could in all, be as said of, and of said self-love too that is, and in a said too that is, referral, and to what could in all, be as said of, and of the said Spiritual Condition too that is, and that could now, be as said too that is, perceived, and in its said Origination too that is, and if not, in a said referral to, and to the said too that is, Ancients that is.

Sri Krishna.

In the now claiming that, what has in all, been said, above, and on said Agni too that is, Sri Krishna, [Link], could and in all, be as said perceived too that is, Up-Front, Amer., and on my said part, and without, the proper, said, Introductions, and to it all too that is, now is to and in all, perceive, talk, and of the said Condition too that is, Spiritual Condition, origins, and in a said referral to, and to the said Averse too that is, or of the said Adverse too that is. Of the said Averse too that is, the Modern, the Pretentious, and of the said Adverse too that is, the Western, the Taming, and in their said Condition too that is, and if not as said, as such, and in a said, referral, and to the said too that is, Laws of Physics, or of the said Physical Laws too that is.

That, Saddhu, all this, is said as, pointed out, and in my now, associating, talk, and of said, origins, and to the said too that is, deadly, lethal, Zika Virus, [Link], a said here, Virus, and that the said writer here that is, Godwin, does and in all, associate, and with talk and of, and of said Disease too that is, and in both, said, India, and Africa, and such that, it does and in all, speak of, the very said too that is, history, Colonial, British, [Link], and of said Kenyan Indians too that is, Kenyan Asians, and in both, said, Kenya, and East Africa too that is. Of such said origins too that is, the Zika Virus, and that could and in all, be as said too that is, perceived, and in a said, referral, and to what could in all, be as said of, and of the said Denomination, the Denominated, the Designated, or of the said Denoted too that is. In all and again that is, Saddhu, talk too now and of, and of such said Denomination too that is, India - Africa, East Africa - Kenya, [Link], the said Designated too that is, Kenya-East Africa, or of the said Denoted too that is: East Africa-Kenya.

In the said, finalizing, and on, this said Letter too that is, Address, and to you, Saddhu, Namaste, one could in all, be as said, and to and in all, center, all this said, and in a said referral to, and to the said too that is, Avatar, Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu, and in a said, referral, and to the said, Body, and in its, said, Wastage, Emaciation, and such that, it could in all, point at, the said, names, and of said, Mahatma Gandhi, or of said, Nelson Mandela, Body, spirit, and in a said, referral, and to what could and in all, be as said, of, Beauty, Excellence, or of said Magnificence too, the Idealized, the Kenyan Sun, Kiswahili, the Kenyan Flag, [Link], now is to and in all, equate, such said Emaciation too that is, Wastage, and in its said Connotations too that is, Political, and to what could in all, be as said, of, the said Atrocious that is, Atrocity, or of said Political Rights too that is, Human Rights, and in a said, referral, and to what could in all, be as said, of, the said Impression too that is, the Meditative, or of the said Imprint too that is, the Meditational.

Alavidā, Sadhu.


A.W. Gicheru.

"A of A"

of Impressions.
Colonial Kenya.